Category Archives: Small Business

Business Fears: When Hard Work Doesn’t Pay Off

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By Maribeth Kuzmeski

One of the issues with hard work is that when we do it, we want and need it to pay off. However, sometimes it doesn’t. This can make us question whether to put time, effort, and money behind a new major initiative or marketing strategy because of the potential of wasted time and no return.

Did you know that Thomas Edison’s inventions of the light bulb and the storage battery were preceded by thousands and thousands of experiments,

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Create A More Powerful Bio Using 4 Simple Questions

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By Maribeth Kuzmeski

Is your bio or LinkedIn Summary Section memorable? Does it compel people to become more interested in you?

There are four parts to a powerful bio or a Summary Section in LinkedIn. Following is a simple formula that asks questions designed to produce the four paragraphs of your bio. As you answer the questions, you will be improving and giving clarity to the most important message about you.

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Bring Back Focus or End Up Multitasking Your Way to Disappointing Results

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Did you know that multi-tasking your marketing doesn’t really work? The more projects we start and the more marketing we throw out there – often the less productive it all becomes. Is it better to focus time and energy to get one project working to generate leads and new business or to have 10 projects splitting focus which all seem disappointing?

And with multitasking in general, the thought is that because we are so busy we almost have to do more than one thing at a time to accomplish the growing list of activities that pull on our limited time.

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Hunt for the 1%: Why the Massively Successful Never Settle

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Massively successful firms seem to always be looking for that one small tweak in their firm that when fixed or changed, can actually make a significant difference in business. We call this the hunt for the 1%. In top firms that we work with, they are often doing so much right in their business operations, marketing and sales. In fact, you may say they are doing 99% of everything correct. And yet, you don’t see them settling;

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Risking New Business

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There are definitive correlations between doing something different and taking potential risks, and finding more success. Have you counted the number of times you have gone outside of your comfort zone? Each day or week? Once, twice…or more?

If you go outside of your comfort zone and take even a small risk just one time per day would you be wasting time or making opportunities? What is the cost/benefit?

What would happen if in one day you decide to do something different than what you would usually do?

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