Category Archives: Marketing

Predict Your Marketing Success In 2018

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Take this quick assessment to predict your marketing success in 2018 and find areas to improve.

1. Do you have an up-to-date website with at least one call-to-action? This call-to-action can be to get people to interact, sign up for an email newsletter, request valuable information, download an article/whitepaper, register for a seminar, etc.

Value: 5 points for one or more calls-to-action.  _______

Value: 5 additional points for each call-to-action that is already generating qualified leads.

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How can P90X® and Proactiv® help your business?

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Many people over the years have purchased products like P90X® and Proactiv® to help them solve what ails them. And, they work. But, what I’ve learned about why these products bring desired results (get in shape/less blemishes) goes to exactly the same reason that marketing works. It’s not necessarily just the science of the products; it’s more the fact that you use them consistently.

Think about it – If you work out every day for 1 hour or more,

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Creating An Effective Marketing “Brochure” (Digitally)

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A one page brand overview is an incredibly helpful marketing piece that will inform prospects, guide those who could refer you to effectively describe what you do, and will help those within your firm describe the firm consistently as well.

Creating a “Branding One Sheet” can be done quickly and easily. It is not meant to be a large format or trifold brochure with lots of words and detailed design. Just a simple,

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How to Make Your Marketing Materials More Effective

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A brochure or even your website, filled with perfectly created marketing phrases and pictures of models and ocean waves hitting the shore, certainly are aesthetically pleasing. But in order to compel people to read your materials and find out more about your firm, your message must sound and be authentic. Marketing today should be as authentic as you are.

The words you use should be the words your clients and prospects would use to describe their challenges,

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No One Reads Your Marketing Messages: How Can You Change That?

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Did you know that most of your marketing messaging is going unread by your prospects and clients? Don’t believe it? Ask a few people that have seen your marketing materials if they read over the information you provided them. They may have glanced at it, or looked it over quickly, but most did not read it all the way through. So how do you get them to read the marketing content you are so carefully preparing?

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