Tag Archives: Red Zone Marketing

Why You Need to Be Different Rather than Better than Your Competition

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Explaining the reasons why you’re “better” than your competition seems logical. However, it’s not always effective.

If someone asks why they should do business with you as opposed to the firm across the street, often you begin to give them your list of “betters.” You provide them with assurances that you have things like better communication, better services, better products, better affiliates that you work with, etc. The problem with inferring “better” is that the consumer doesn’t actually believe it.

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How can P90X® and Proactiv® help your business?

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Many people over the years have purchased products like P90X® and Proactiv® to help them solve what ails them. And, they work. But, what I’ve learned about why these products bring desired results (get in shape/less blemishes) goes to exactly the same reason that marketing works. It’s not necessarily just the science of the products; it’s more the fact that you use them consistently.

Think about it – If you work out every day for 1 hour or more,

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What is your recruiting value proposition?

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If you are interested in hiring employees, recruiting advisors, or developing a succession plan for your firm, how important is a compelling value proposition?

We know that a value proposition is important when attracting prospects. But perhaps just as important for the longevity and profitability of a business is a value proposition that attracts the right internal team who become the face and engine of the firm.

Do you have a strong value proposition for why people should join your team?

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Marketing Innovation and Free Thinking Marketing

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This summer I taught an intensive marketing class at Columbia University where the students were required to create a business idea and then design an integrated marketing campaign to promote it. At the end of the course, each group competed to see who had the most compelling marketing campaign to attract new business.

The students were surprisingly quick to write compelling messaging, design ads, create videos, prepare brochures, write sales scripting, design a website and develop social media profiles.

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Its Highly Likely Your Online Reputation is Killing Referrals

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If you knew that your best prospect was going to look at your LinkedIn profile next Thursday and make a decision on whether or not to come in to see you based on what they see – would you change it?

Referral acquisition is no longer reliant on word of mouth. Just a few short years ago, in order to cultivate referrals, you just needed to deliver good products and service, communicate consistently,

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