Author Archives: Maribeth Kuzmeski

The Real Way to Make Networking Work for You

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networkingIn general, networking to quickly increase sales can often be a frustrating undertaking. Many professionals join their local chamber of commerce or business-networking group, and are initially excited at the prospect (of meeting new prospects). But the unfortunate reality is that these groups often don’t live up to expectations; so we quit and look for another way to drive sales to our business. But wait, don’t turn in your membership card just yet!

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The Reason You Must Engage in Self Promotion

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Do you promote your business? Do you promote yourself? The problem in most service based businesses, and especially financial services, if you don’t share your story and why you are an excellent choice, no one will.

Even those who truly value your services and are incredibly appreciative of what you have done will not sing your praises in ways you likely deserve. In other words, for the most part, no one is out promoting you.

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The Power of Words: Predicting Your Success as a Financial Advisor

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Can the words we use predict our success in our business? This is a growing area of research – where the data analyzed is the words that we use. This language analysis has been done to predict the success of athletes, movies, books and more. Can they predict your success as a financial advisor too?

Researchers at Stony Brook University have developed an algorithm that will indicate whether a book will be commercially successful with 84% accuracy.

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The Marketing Hat-Trick

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In hockey, the hat-trick is when a single player scores three times in one game. It is celebrated by fans who throw their hats out onto the rink to say, “Job exceptionally well-done. Hats off!” What about in your business? What are the three things, that if done exceptionally, would constitute a result worth taking off and throwing a hat?

There are certain key numbers, that when measured regularly, will indicate if it is time to take a moment to step back and celebrate an extraordinary feat.

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Solve Your Biggest Business Problem Today: Here’s How

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problem solverAre you a problem solver? What about solving the biggest problem in your business? We often spend so much time solving problems for clients that our own business issues are perpetually moved into tomorrow’s pile to be solved later.

Issues and concerns like generating more revenue, marketing to reach more interested prospects, developing a consistent follow up plan for business development, networking, online reputation, creating multi-generational connections, business succession, etc.

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