4 Tips for Making Your Holiday Parties Profitable!

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It’s that time of year again! Time for the annual company or neighborhood holiday party and all the other social events that come with the holiday season. The truth is that these seasonal events are also a great place for networking. And even if you don’t look at them as a ‘networking event,’ you likely will be meeting new people and making an impression in the process. You may as well make the most of it!

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Harness the Power of Storytelling

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Stories can be powerful, even for business. Here are 5 tips for becoming a better storyteller. One that engages people, establishes trust, and closes the sale without selling.

1. Speak from the heart only – The best storytellers tell authentic stories that they are passionate about. Being able to speak both authentically and passionately can really draw people in, making them feel a connection to you. If you want to have your story fall flat – tell someone else’s story that isn’t authentic to you.

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Your Thanksgiving Challenge: The Most Meaningful Thank You

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If you want to make an impact during this holiday season, consider calling someone or stopping by someone’s office to deliver them a “thank you” in person.

The “thank you” that comes from you directly is the one that feels the most sincere. When someone can hear you say “thank you” – just to them – it feels different. It feels personal. It feels authentic.

Why? The “thank you” that is delivered personally takes more effort (and we know it) than sending off an email or announcing a thank you to everyone in your email newsletter.

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What to do When Someone Says Your Fees Are Too High

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If someone says, “Your fees are too high” it is either because:
A) They don’t know what you are really doing for them.
B) You aren’t doing enough to clarify what you do. (I’m making the assumption that you DO provide significant value that corresponds to your fees).

The solution to either problem is simple.

You first have to ask yourself the honest question: Are your fees too high?

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The Problem with Business Growth

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The problem with sudden business growth is that it can cause issues inside the firm to appear or become amplified. Growing slow is easy. Growing fast can be challenging, especially when you don’t have an appropriate service model, process, or the right staff in place. Many wish for the “problem” of rapid growth, but when it happens to you it can be like a surprise party you absolutely did not want.

One way to make sure you are meeting the needs of all of your clients during periods of growth and expansion is through conducting a survey.

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