Google Yourself: Why Your Online Reputation Can Hurt You

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If you knew that your best prospect was going to look at your LinkedIn profile next Thursday and make a decision on whether or not to come in to see you based on what they see – would you change it?

Referral acquisition is no longer reliant on just word of mouth. Just a few short years ago, in order to cultivate referrals, you needed to deliver good products and service,

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How to Survive in Business: Why Sales Skills are Needed

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How often do you admit that you’re in sales? The fact is that no one wants to be sold, therefore, it is not all that popular to be in “sales.”

Popular or not, selling skills are critical to growing a business, increasing profitability, and ultimately thriving! However, it is apparently so shunned as a discipline that it isn’t even taught where we get much of our initial business training – at universities. Some schools offer a class or two in sales,

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No One Reads Your Marketing Messages: How Can You Change That?

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Did you know that most of your marketing messaging is going unread by your prospects and clients? Don’t believe it? Ask a few people that have seen your marketing materials if they read over the information you provided them. They may have glanced at it, or looked it over quickly, but most did not read it all the way through. So how do you get them to read the marketing content you are so carefully preparing?

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The Biggest Mistake in Marketing

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The number one mistake in marketing is…

… NOT messaging yourself and your business properly. It’s not that you aren’t spending enough money on your marketing. Rather, it is often that you are not presenting yourself and the firm with words that attract and compel people to take action.

I hear from businesses all of the time complaining that their marketing isn’t working, no one engages on social media, the website bounce rate is high (people leave the home page without clicking on any other pages in the site),

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10 Ways to Get People to Engage With Your Videos

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Video is an incredibly powerful marketing tool, but in order for it to work you have to get people to watch and like what they see.

You may have video that you have shared on your website, YouTube, in a blog or on social media sites. Here are 10 quick tips for engaging people so they will want to watch your video and connect further with you.

1. Create good, interesting content.

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