Category Archives: Business

Talent or Strategy? Which is More Important?

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In sports, the goal is to fill your team with the most talented players that will contribute to winning. However, winning requires more than just talent; it requires a solid strategy. Similar to sports, businesses require both to succeed too. But now ask yourself, is that how your business operates? Do you focus on hiring top quality employees to add to your team AND developing a killer strategy for them to execute?

In financial services practices,

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3 Ways to Keep Your New Year’s Resolution This Year

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It’s exciting to set New Year’s Resolutions and start off a fresh new year with big goals and ambitions. But the reality, as we all know, is that most resolutions are not kept. Common personal goals are to quit smoking, lose weight, work out regularly, volunteer, save for a vacation, etc. Business related goals might be to always ask for referrals, record a series of informative videos, start a new initiative, write a book, etc.

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