Category Archives: transformation

A Power-Packed Reading List During Quarantine Times

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As most of us are spending all of our time quarantined inside the house, I wanted to share with you my reading list of books I love to help us market through this crisis and think differently. I hope you enjoy these!

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Discipline Strategy by Dr Tim Coomer

Tim Coomer is a friend of mine and one of the smartest businesspeople I have ever met. He is a serial entrepreneur and personality researcher with a deep understanding of how personality impacts performance.

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Dorri McWhorter: Remember the YWCA? An Innovative Transformation for Women Empowerment

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The YWCA has had a long legacy for providing social services to a number of different communities. Learn more about its journey of transformation from a 140-year-old social service agency to a twenty-first century social enterprise in today’s interview with Dorri McWhorter, the current CEO of YWCA Chicago and one of the top women innovators listed in Chicago’s #TheBlueNetwork.

Dorri tells the story of how her experience in a number of corporate positions gave her the perspective to find new solutions for the YWCA’s transformation.

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Barbara Stanny: Prince Charming Isn’t Coming – How she lost everything, got it back, and then some!

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Ever wonder how women with six-figure salaries ended up so successful?

Learn their secrets from Barbara Stanny, a best-selling author who has been featured on CNN, Fox, CNBC, and other notable publications. She talks about how financially successful women have understood the concept of power from a female perspective, and how they have harnessed that in order to have financial independence.

She relates her own personal and devastating experiences with money,

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Gail Martin: Telling Stories of Powerful and Personal Reinvention

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The need to reinvent ourselves is something many of us face at some point in our lives. In this interview, learn from best-selling author Gail Martin as she discusses her own experiences of reinvention, as well as the stories of many who have gone through their own journeys of transformation.

Gail talks about her own brushes with reinvention in her life, as she shifted careers from being a top executive at a Fortune 10 company to becoming a well-known storyteller with more than 15 fiction and nonfiction books to her name.

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