Category Archives: Leadership

A Power-Packed Reading List During Quarantine Times

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As most of us are spending all of our time quarantined inside the house, I wanted to share with you my reading list of books I love to help us market through this crisis and think differently. I hope you enjoy these!

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Discipline Strategy by Dr Tim Coomer

Tim Coomer is a friend of mine and one of the smartest businesspeople I have ever met. He is a serial entrepreneur and personality researcher with a deep understanding of how personality impacts performance.

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A Key to Consistent Results in Your Marketing

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In marketing, delegation is often one of the most critical factors to successful execution. However, delegation can also be the cause of results breaking down.

Delegation as a concept is fairly simple. But, in order for delegation to work, the people that are being delegated to need to have the same understanding as you do of the situation, as well as the goals and objectives. It seems obvious, but this is a recurring and often troubling issue that I see far too often.

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Elizabeth McCourt: How Spilling Your Secrets Can Give You The Right Mindset For Your Business

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We all have days when we think that we are not going to succeed in our goals in life and business. While it may be difficult to shift this mindset into something more productive, TEDx speaker, executive coach and sponsored triathlete Elizabeth McCourt shows you how an endurance athlete’s perspective can provide you the right mental training that is guaranteed to have maximum impact on your success.

In today’s podcast,

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Andrea March: Taking Her Experience Founding Multi-Million Dollar Businesses and Giving it Back

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Many remarkable women have made their mark in the field of business, but the truly exceptional ones are continuing to pass on their knowledge to other promising women. In today’s podcast, listen to the insights of Andrea March, a long-time entrepreneur who founded and ran multi-million dollar businesses and is a co-founder of the Women’s Leadership Exchange (WLE), an organization dedicated to supporting women leaders.

Andrea will talk about the experiences that led her to form the WLE,

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Leslie Grossman: Link Out: Solutions in a Digital World for Old School Success

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Just how important is relationship-building to business, despite it not being part of your job description? A firm believer in relationships and collaboration, Leslie Grossman, author, entrepreneur, and co-founder of the Women’s Leadership Exchange, speaks of the importance of face-to-face communication today.

She talks about her book “Link Out”, which has her findings on the best ways to connect with people in order to further your business and career. She discusses as well what she discovered to be the common factor most successful women have.

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