Give ‘em Something To Talk About!

Clients talkingPopular advice says that you should create client experiences to get ahead in business. I agree with that, but I do think there is something even more important. The real differentiator comes when you give clients a memorable experience.

What kind of experience is your firm giving to your clients? If you suspect that your clients are not talking about you, it may be time to make a change. To borrow a phrase from singer and songwriter, Bonnie Raitt, “Let’s give ‘em something to talk about.” Because if we don’t give them something to talk about, it is highly likely they will never say anything at all.

When clients want to talk about the experiences they have with your business (assuming it’s positive talk, of course), it means you’re doing something really right. And it means they’re much more likely to refer their friends and colleagues to you.

So, consider making a list of the possible “experiences” you could offer your clients. You may want to brainstorm ideas with your colleagues. It could be a small gift you give to a client after every meeting (like a book or candy), a proactive phone call, or a holiday surprise that you personally deliver. However, most often I see the memorable experiences consisting of extraordinary service. And, this service is extraordinary because it was delivered with consistency and passion. Does your team deliver service with consistency and passion? It may be the greatest way to give someone something unexpected to remember and talk about.

Keep in mind that ‘giving them something to talk about’ is serious business, but is best delivered while authentically enjoying your job and having some fun along the way.

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