Take this quick assessment to predict your success in 2016 and find areas to improve.
1. Do you have an up-to-date website with at least one call-to-action to get people to interact, sign up for an email newsletter, request valuable information, download an article/whitepaper, register for a seminar, or another way to interact?
Value: 5 points for one or more calls to action. _______
Value: 5 additional points for each call to action that is already generating qualified leads. ______
2. Do you have video on your website that is less than 1 minute and that gets views each week?
Value: Give yourself 5 points. ______
3. Do you have a marketing activity that will generate a minimum of 5 new qualified prospects each month (seminars, events, mailing, email campaign, networking, strategic alliance referrals, client referrals, etc.)?
Value: 5 points for each activity/strategy that has been proven or will be likely to produce qualified prospects: ____
4. Do you have a list of more than 500 prospective prospects to email and/or mail?
Value: 5 points with 5 points for each additional 500 prospects on your list. _______
5. How often do you contact your list of prospective clients?
Value: 10 points for monthly contacts of email, mail or calls: _____
6. How many prospects do you have on your “hotlist” – those you feel have a high likelihood of doing business with you this year?
Value: 1 point for each hot prospect: _____
7. How many referrals did you receive in 2015?
Value: 1 point for every referral that became a client: ______
Total Score: _______
Predict Your Success:
Top Producer: Score of 80 to 100+ points – you will likely have a great year!
Marketing Up and Comer: Score of 50 to 79 points – you are building a strong pipeline!
Just Getting Started: Score of 30-49 points – you are on the right track but to acquire the new business you deserve, more attention may need to be paid to your marketing.
Opportunity Alert: Score of 0-29 points – you have all sorts of potential to use marketing better to generate prospects and new business.
Good luck and good marketing in 2016!
It would be great if with all the links on the bottom there was one that made this a PDF or word doc so we could print this without having to open word, cut and paste it if we want to keep this article to work on. Thanks!