How to Avoid Making Bad Decisions

Avoid Bad DecisionsSometimes in business we make oddly poor decisions. Perhaps we hired that PR firm on their promise to do amazing things. Or we invested in a “home-run idea” that we heard about. When we look back on some of our choices and decisions we wonder later – what was I thinking?

I think part of the explanation for poor decision-making comes down to us moving too quickly through our workload to get everything done. In our attempt to do more, we may not stop to think, consider and fully evaluate the decisions we are about to make. We rely instead upon gut reactions that sometimes work out, but also can have very negative repercussions.

My 18-year-old son summed this up nicely by explaining a decision made by one of his hockey teammates on spring break by declaring, “It’s not a bad idea if you don’t think about it, Mom.” And there it was. But is this also how business people act (while not on spring break)?

My son explained the situation truthfully. However, not thinking about the consequences really isn’t a sound practice for making decisions. Not in our personal lives, and not in business. Sometimes in business we have to find the time to logically consider what we are doing along with the gut feeling that may lead us. I’m not advocating for over-thinking decisions, just fully considering the options, weighing the odds of success, and then with sound mind, deciding whether we will take the chance or not.

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