Clearly describing your value should be something that you can do anytime. Your description should be direct, simple, and understandable to grab the attention of your prospects.
Here is a Messaging Your Value Formula for differentiation that will help you truly stand out.
- Focus your message on a target. Focusing on everyone with more than $1 million to invest is not a target. Be selective.
- Describe what they want that you offer. What does your target market truly desire?
- Share how you are different than most. You don’t have to be uniquely different from everyone, just offer a key differentiation.
- Have a story that proves it! Give an example of what you do.
Below is a statement from a financial advisor. He works with many different types of target markets and people. However, when he is talking with a business owner, this is what he shares:
We are a financial advisory firm that specializes in working with business owners. In fact, to date, we have helped more than 60 business owners successfully sell their business and move on to the next phase of their lives.
Here is the breakdown of the differentiating message:
- Focus your message on a target: Business Owners
- Describe what they want that you offer: Guidance in selling a business
- Share how you are different than most: Understanding of business owners really want (hint: they don’t “want” a 401k)
- Have a story that proves it! More than 60 business owners…
Try it! You will be able to describe your value clearly by following the Messaging Your Value Formula. Marketing to the masses is fine for some, but ineffective for most. Focus on grabbing the attention of the person right in front of you.
Great – simple formula! Love it!