MORE Quick Tips for Getting People to Engage With Your Videos

Earlier, we shared the first 5 Quick Tips for Getting People to Engage with Your Videos. Today we are bringing you even more quick tips to make your videos pop and to get maximum views of your video content.

  1. Tag your video with as many keywords in YouTube as possible. People will find your videos with these tags. Include relevant words/phrases that describe the content of your video.
  2. Keep the time of your videos SHORT. Under two minutes is a palatable amount for a prospect trying to find out about you or learn something (if you can cut it down to one minute, that’s even better). It seems awfully short, but anything longer is not likely to keep your prospect’s attention.
  3. After uploading your video to Vimeo, YouTube or your website, don’t forget to upload it to Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc. Let people you are connected with know it is there!
  4. Send out an email newsletter and include a link to your video. Sharing your new videos with your connections is a great way to directly give people the valuable content you have created for them. 
  5. Use your video as a referral tool by telling advocates and referral sources that they can direct people to a new video you’ve posted or share a link. Give them a reason to introduce you to someone else!

The key with video ultimately is to have valuable content, share the content with potentially interested people and engage them to view and share. Video is definitely a great way to get “face-to-face” with clients and prospects and share just how great you really are!

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