Category Archives: Referrals

The Key Difference Between Wanting & Receiving Referrals (and it’s not asking!)

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Prefer to listen over read? Check out this short video!

We talk a lot in the financial sphere about differentiators—what makes you unique? Why should a client choose you over another advisor? Taking this one step further, why would a current client recommend you to their friends and family? 

The answer is your client experience. 

The number one new business driver for financial professionals is referrals.

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How Do I Get People To Talk?

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When I started in business I thought (naively) that if I am good at what I do that word will get around. I have since realized that people don’t spend their time talking about things that are “good.” People don’t find a reason to talk about the things that are supposed to be there (i.e. good marketing, sound investments, good service, good food, etc.). It’s not exciting enough to work into a conversation.

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Marketing Has Changed. Are You Ready?

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I believe the face of marketing has changed. And I’m not talking about “marketing in a crisis.” I’m talking about the fact that our ability to market our businesses and services may have changed forever (or at least for a long time).

I recently did a video/webinar presentation on Marketing in the Age of Social Distancing (the webinar replay recording is here). When I began researching for the presentation,

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Five Compelling Tips To Quickly Prove Your Value To Prospects

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When a business states that they “provide exceptional service” do you think people actually believe this? It is like saying, “trust me” or “the check is in the mail.” Empty statements void of facts are a waste of words today. 

Consider, are you standing out by sharing things about your firm that are truly compelling and different? Or, are you telling people – in so many words – that you will be ‘better’ than their last financial advisor?

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The Most Powerful Marketing Tools for Today’s Advisors

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The 5 proven marketing strategies most likely to help you generate new business in 2018

By Maribeth Kuzmeski, PhD

Most likely you already have many marketing ideas – but are they working in today’s environment for financial advisors? Here are five easy-to-implement strategies that are working right now to attract new clients and fans, expose your brand, get people talking, and differentiate yourself.

1. Yes,

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