Category Archives: Small Business

Diane Conklin: Creating Extraordinary Growth… For Real

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FACT: 96% of businesses won’t make six figures.

Find out how you can create a six figure business today by listening to our special guest, Diane Conklin. As the founder Complete Marketing Systems, Diane was able to work with businesses and individuals to come up with sound, actionable strategies to grow their revenue in as little as 90 days.

As a marketing and business strategist, she’ll tell you why great marketing doesn’t really have to be “great”.

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Judy Weintraub: Write The Book Inside of You

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Everybody has a book inside of them. Join Judy Weintraub as she talks about writing your own book and making a name for yourself.

Judy is an attorney, entrepreneur and business executive. As a founder of SkillBites – a book writing service company – she’ll share the benefits of writing your book in terms of credibility, marketability and customer awareness. Listen as she talks about a popular topic: self-publish or get a publisher?

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The Impression That Really Counts

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First_ImpressionToday, the first interaction someone has with you is often downplayed and frankly not always taken seriously. When you meet with a big prospect face-to-face you wear your best suit and take the time to be totally prepared. You are establishing yourself for what we know as the first impression. But, today, this usually is not the first interaction they have with you. In fact, that first face-to-face meeting may never be possible unless the real first impression is impressive.

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The Most Difficult Type of Marketing that Outperforms the Rest

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Most businesses that lack the structure of a large corporation find it difficult to take a marketing idea from start to successful results. More often than not, we see marketing stopping and starting, stopping after the strategy begins to work, or never starting at all. And while this may seem ridiculous, it really happens over and over again.

One high performing financial advisor told me that he will always be successful in his industry because he executes on the ideas that his peers just talk about.

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Five Minutes to Successful Delegation

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Delegate SuccessfullyDelegation is great. Giving up control, philosophy and initial concept, however, is not. In marketing, delegation is often critical to execution, but it’s also where results can start to break down. So, where is the disconnect that leads to this breakdown?

Delegation, as a concept, is fairly simple. You hand over a task or job for another individual to carry out. But, in order for delegation to work, the people that are being delegated to may require the same understanding as you do of the situation,

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