Category Archives: Business

The Most Difficult Type of Marketing that Outperforms the Rest

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Most businesses that lack the structure of a large corporation find it difficult to take a marketing idea from start to successful results. More often than not, we see marketing stopping and starting, stopping after the strategy begins to work, or never starting at all. And while this may seem ridiculous, it really happens over and over again.

One high performing financial advisor told me that he will always be successful in his industry because he executes on the ideas that his peers just talk about.

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Dina Dwyer-Owens: Undercover Boss star shares code of values

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Since 1981, Dina has been actively building on Dwyer Group’s value-based tradition of running a business. And for over 30 years, she was able to grow Dwyer Group with 11 service-based franchise organizations.

Join her as she talks about the lessons she learned after she was featured in an episode of Undercover Boss and the effect it brought to her company. She shares the subject of core values,

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Teresa de Grosbois: Innovative Thinking to Gain Mass Influence

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We always thought that being a person of influence is a privilege reserved for the few.

Or is it?

Let New York Times bestselling author and Evolutionary Business Council (EBC) founder, Teresa De Grosbois, show you how to become influential while attracting the success that you deserve in your life, business and career.

In this episode,

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Five Minutes to Successful Delegation

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Delegate SuccessfullyDelegation is great. Giving up control, philosophy and initial concept, however, is not. In marketing, delegation is often critical to execution, but it’s also where results can start to break down. So, where is the disconnect that leads to this breakdown?

Delegation, as a concept, is fairly simple. You hand over a task or job for another individual to carry out. But, in order for delegation to work, the people that are being delegated to may require the same understanding as you do of the situation,

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Numbers Don’t Lie: So Why Don’t We Look at Them First?

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Analytics reportsNumbers don’t lie. But we often lie to ourselves when we don’t know the numbers. Gut decisions are good, but if we can access the numbers to help us make better decisions, the numbers are invaluable.

What numbers am I talking about? I’m talking about results-based numbers, including the following:

1. Future Sales: A number, presented monthly, of new prospects, hot prospects, potential sales, future clients in your pipeline,

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