Category Archives: Financial Services

Susan L Combs: “4 Under 40” Leader Shares Secrets to Attracting More Women

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As immediate past president of Women in Insurance and Financial Services (WIFS), Susan L. Combs had to face challenges many executives are familiar with:

  • Leading large organization with diverse members
  • Dealing with business issues
  • Taking care of their family

Find out how she was able to be successful in being a leader, a business owner, and a wife.

Let her share with you key insights on how to better promote inclusion.

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Carolyn Paul: Finding and Keeping The Best People For Your Team

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How do you build a competent,  driven team in the midst of dynamic change in your organization? Are you doing the right things to keep your team motivated, move forward and produce?

Join Leadership Investment’s Woman of The Year, Carolyn Paul, as she discusses the importance of communicating and reaching out to your team in a personal level in order to bring progress to your organization.

Find out how she built her credibility and success in the financial services industry and how you can do it as well.

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The Most Difficult Type of Marketing that Outperforms the Rest

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Most businesses that lack the structure of a large corporation find it difficult to take a marketing idea from start to successful results. More often than not, we see marketing stopping and starting, stopping after the strategy begins to work, or never starting at all. And while this may seem ridiculous, it really happens over and over again.

One high performing financial advisor told me that he will always be successful in his industry because he executes on the ideas that his peers just talk about.

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Why Being Better Isn’t the Best Approach

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When speaking to prospective clients, explaining your differences as “better” than others seems like a smart approach. However, it’s not always effective.

For instance, if someone asks why they should do business with you as opposed to the firm across the street – you begin to give them your “betters.” You may not say it by using the word better, but it sounds like you will have… better communication, better services, better products,

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Stop Wasting Opportunities When Asked, “What Do You Do?”

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What Do You Do?If you find yourself constantly resorting to generic answers when people ask you questions about yourself, it may be time to rethink your approach. So often we drift through our day, not even seeing the opportunities we have in conversations with others. From the simplest “Hey, how are you?” to the more complex questions you are asked throughout your work day — how often do you take time to answer the questions fully?

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