Category Archives: Video

Financial Advisor Videos Part I:

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The Undeniable Case for Using Video in Top Advisor Marketing Strategies 

We have been living in a digital world for some time now with much of our daily lives conducted online. From the personal to the professional, education to entertainment, so much of our attention is focused in the palm of our hands or on a desktop.

So, it’s no surprise that top-performing advisors are those meeting their prospects where they spend so much of their time—on mobile or in front of a screen.  

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Sharing Video May Be the Tipping Point for Prospect Conversion

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Are you using video in your business? Video connects and gives viewers an inside look into your firm, insight, knowledge and personality. But did you know that there is a significantly higher chance that your clients and prospects will watch your video content than there is of them responding to your emails, letters, proposals, or even reading information on your websites and blogs?

A website with a video is 53 times more likely to come up on the first page result on Google than the exact same page without video?

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MORE Quick Tips for Getting People to Engage With Your Videos

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Earlier, we shared the first 5 Quick Tips for Getting People to Engage with Your Videos. Today we are bringing you even more quick tips to make your videos pop and to get maximum views of your video content.

  • Tag your video with as many keywords in YouTube as possible. People will find your videos with these tags. Include relevant words/phrases that describe the content of your video.
  • Keep the time of your videos SHORT.
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    Quick Tips for Getting People to Engage With Your Videos

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    Video is an incredibly powerful marketing tool… but in order for it to work you have to get people to watch and like what they see.

    You may have video that you have shared on your website, YouTube, in a blog or on social media sites. Here are 5 quick tips for engaging people so they will want to watch your video and connect further with you.

  • Create good, interesting content.
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    10 Ways to Get People to Watch & Engage with Your Videos

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    Video is an incredibly powerful marketing tool, but in order for it to work you have to get people to watch and like what they see.

    You may have video that you have shared on your website, YouTube, in a blog or on social media sites. Here are 10 quick tips for engaging people so they will want to watch your video and connect further with you.

  • Create good, interesting content.
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