Category Archives: Marketing

Creating More Effective Marketing

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When you fill your marketing and website with perfectly created marketing phrases and pictures of models strolling past ocean waves, it’s certainly aesthetically pleasing. Butin order to compel people to read your materials and find out more about your firm, your message must sound authentic. Marketing today should be as authentic as you are. Don’t talk AT your audience with pushy messaging. Talk TO them.

The words you use should be the words your clients and prospects would use to describe their challenges,

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The Difficulty of Successful Marketing

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Do you find it difficult to take a marketing idea from start to finish? More often than not we see marketing initiatives stopping and starting, or never starting at all. We see it happen over and over again. So what can you do?

One high performing financial advisor told me that he will always be successful in his industry because he executes on the ideas that his peers just talk about.

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Creating An Effective One Pager

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A one page brand overview is an incredibly helpful marketing piece that will inform prospects, guide those who could refer you to effectively describe what you do, and will help those within your firm describe the firm consistently as well.

Creating a “Branding One Sheet” can be done quickly and easily. It is not meant to be a large format or trifold brochure with lots of words and detailed design. Just a simple,

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Don’t Stray from Your Strategy – How to Get Your Marketing Back on Track

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You have a strategy, right? You don’t just bounce from one hot new tactic to another – do you?

If we’re being honest, we all may stray from our strategy from time to time. When business conditions are more difficult we often go into survival mode and think only of the tactics that will bring us more immediate sales. We may announce a promotion, schedule events, advertise, reduce the price, increase offerings,

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3 Infomercial Elements that Make Them a Marketing Success

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Infomercials help brands sell billions of dollars of products and services every year. While some view infomercials as second-rate, over the top cheesy campaigns, in general, they work. That’s why they are on all the time! So whether or not you’ve purchased the latest kitchen gadget you saw on an infomercial (and gotten a second one free because you ordered within the allotted time!) here are 3 Infomercial Elements that make them a marketing success.

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